1614 Welton Street, Denver, CO 80202


Oriental Lodge #87, Denver Colorado
How to join at Oriental Lodge #87
Visit Us Today
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Let’s Work Together

Our stated meetings are preceded by a dinner and we assemble at the lodge at 6:30p. RSVP for dinner is required by the previous Sunday via email to the secretary or Junior warden. The lodge meeting starts at 7:30pm and usually concludes between 9:00 and 10:00. Our meetings are open to all members in good standing of any recognized lodge of Masons worldwide. Please be prepared to show your dues card. Meetings are open only to Masons in good standing but visitors, prospective members and guests are welcome to join us for dinner.

We meet at 1614 Welton street, Denver Colorado on the first and 3rd Wednesdays of every month except July and August and at other times as decided by the Worshipful Master. Sojourners are always welcome. If you would like to visit, please contact the secretary or Junior Warden to RSVP.

  • Dress is business attire. We have aprons if you need one. Paid parking is available along Welton street, in several surface lots nearby, or in a garage directly across 16th street underneath the Denver Pavilions shopping center.
  • We meet upon the level, and part upon the square.
  • The lodge meets in the heart of downtown Denver at the Denver Masonic Temple
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Directions & Parking

Parking is available for a modest fee directly across Welton street and next door to the east on surface lots and for a slightly higher fee in an underground garage directly across 16th street. Access to all 3 lots is from Welton street. Access is also available by public transit using the free downtown mall shuttle.

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